I enjoy writing about a variety of different topics within the wellness and sciences spheres and am always working on websites covering those topics. These websites do have maintenance costs, and since I prefer not to have advertising on the website (which lessens readers’ experience and clutters the pages) I do incorporate affiliate links to help cover those costs. Essentially, if you buy a product through a link on this site, I may make a small commission. This does not have a negative impact on the amount you would pay for the product. In fact, having a relationship with these companies periodically gives me better deals on their products and by default, gives you a better deal on them as well through the links on this site.
I would also like to disclose that I have never and will never accept free products in exchange for a positive review. Any recommendations that I make on this or any of my other websites are in reference to products that I have actually purchased, actually use, and the experiences that I have had with them.
Brandon is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases.